Customer Owned Generation Policies & Procedures

Policy No. 70
Date: August 4, 2020 revised November 2, 2021


The purpose of this policy is to ensure the welfare and safety of the public, homeowner and utility workers that could encounter a customer owned power source. The requirements for thesafe and effective operation of these systems are detailed in Appendix 70-A. These requirements are in addition to the safety rules set forth in the National Electrical Safety Code Manual and are not intended to conflict with but provide more definition to the NEC requirements.


This policy applies to all sources of electrical potential. Gas Powered, Solar, Wind, Battery Storage, Thermal, Chemical or any other technology that can generate or store electrical energy. This policy applies to sources installed behind the Customers meter. Installation of these generation sources shall be installed by qualified contractors and approved by Dickson Electric System before placed into operation. An agreement must be entered into by the customer and the application fee must be paid prior to installation. Compliance with this policy should minimize the possibility of injury to the homeowner, general public and DES employeeswhile performing their duties at or near the customers premises.


  • Customer and or their Contractor will notify DES of their intent to install a generation source atany location within the service territory of DES.
  • Customer/Contractor will make application with DES prior to installation.
  • DES will provide and review the size and design or the generation source.
  • For customer-owned generation greater than 400 amps, a disconnect switch may not be required.
  • DES will provide Customer/Contractor with instruction and drawings of equipment necessary to ensure the generation source is safely isolated from the electrical system.


Any violation of this policy can result in the immediate disconnection of electric service.