Your Account Number
Your account number has 2 parts: 2xxxxxx-1xxxxxx
Your Meter
DES has installed an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system that allows us to electronically read meters from our Dickson office, as well as remotely turn electric service on and off.
Many people have questions concerning the accuracy of their electric meters. It is important to note that your meter is a precision measuring device, and the AMI system has an even greater degree of accuracy than all meters before it.

We encourage customers to carefully study your electric bills:
In addition to increased usage during hot or cold months, another factor that leads to higher electric bills is TVA’s seasonal rates, which are slightly higher during the summer and winter months due to the increased cost to produce electricity when demand is up.
If you have additional questions concerning your meter, contact our Meter Department at (615) 446-9051.
Due Date
Your payment is due to the DES office no later than 15 days after the mailing date
This date will be shown on your bill as the due date, as well as the past-due penalty that will be applied to your bill one day after the payment due date
Past Due
One past-due notice will be delivered by mail, and a $5 collection fee will be added to the past-due amount for the delivery of that notice
Service will be disconnected 10 days after the payment due date if the bill remains unpaid, and a fee for reconnecting your service will be added to the amount due
Using information from your bill, you can set up your account, username, and password
Once you’ve registered your account(s), you can log in to:
Access your home’s hourly usage information
Set up text alerts
Set budget amounts
Compare your energy usage to important factors such as temperature and time of day
For more information, call our office at (615) 446-9051 or email us. Or, get started today by clicking on the Login button at the top of the page!
Billing & Payment History
Printouts of an invoice from your billing history can be obtained at our office for a small fee
Visit our Cashiers or contact our Bookkeeping Department at (615) 446-9051 for details
Payment Assistance
You may choose to have any dollar amount added to your monthly bill to provide assistance to customers who are struggling to pay their electric bills. To sign up to donate, simply check the box that appears on your payment stub. You may cancel this at any time. 100% of all Project Help funds are distributed directly to 3 organizations that screen and qualify applicants:
In addition to the Project Help agencies listed above, we have a list of other agencies and local churches that offer assistance. Please contact our Collections Department for more information on payment assistance programs and organizations.
County Agencies
You can also contact the following county agencies that administer federal funds from the Low Income Housing Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP.)
DES does not guarantee that you will receive assistance from any agency.
Dickson County:
Highland Rim Economic Corporation
Cheatham County:
Mid-Cumberland Community Action Agency
Hickman County:
South Central Human Resource Agency
Houston County:
Highland Rim Economic Corporation
Montgomery County:
Clarksville-Montgomery County Community Action Agency